Big Hill, our favorite camping place

Camping has become a source of relaxation since we no longer can do a lot of traveling.
We started out a few years ago with a camping trip to Arkansas in just our van to see if
we would like it. We didn't want to invest a lot if we didn't.
We then decided to buy a tent. Our first camping with the tent was in Nov. with our camping friends,
Mel and Sandy. It was a lot of fun, even if the temps were down in the 20's during the night. Can't
say we did a lot of sleeping! What heat we had went out the top of the tent. The air mattress went
flat, and basically we were sleeping on the ground. Then I got woke up in the night by my husband
hollering my name and saying "I need help! I can't get out of the tent!" He had to go to the bathroom
and forgot he had two zippers to unzip, and he was in a panic.
Even with that experience we decided we liked it so much we bought a popup and used it until Lisa
came home to stay. There was no way of getting her in a popup, so we bought a 32ft. Motorhome. We've
had to do some modifications for a lift inside to lift her and tried several different things for
ramps to get her in. Anyway it's a great getaway for the weekend.
Enjoying the Sunset
All our cooking is done over the campfire. We usually have a late breakfast of bacon, eggs, biscuits,
sometimes pancakes and gravy. They taste so much different over the fire.
I think the most enjoyable part of camping is setting around the campfire in the evening after a supper
of steak and potaotes baked in the coals.
During the day we enjoy hiking, fishing and playing trick on each other. Once my husband took Sandy's
bike to take a shower. When he was inside, Mel took the bike and hid it then hid and filmed Delbert
coming out of the shower and looking everywhere for the bike.
We have a paddle boat we take
sometimes, and that can give you a lot of exercise.
Launching the boat.
The guys taking a cruise.
I even catch a fish sometimes!
On our hikes around the shore we find some pretty interesting driftwood.
This one ended up as an arch in our yard
Nature and wild life
Here are some helpful links on camping
Happy trails and who knows,We may meet up!