We had five children. The oldest Ronnie (1960-61) and the youngest Jason (1972-99) have passed away
Laurie is our oldest daughter and Lives in Las Vegas and is a RN, She is married to Dan who is very involved in the insurance business.
Katie is 26 years old and a RN. She will soon become a nurse practioner.
Joshua is 21 and studying at the International Academy of Technolozy. He is planning on marrying Megan in the fall.
Brianna is Dan's daughter and our no. 8 granddaughter. She is still in High School.
Terresa is our second daughter. She has a degree in Education and is now teaching in the juvenal detention school and loves it.
She is also a reserve officer for the sheriffs department and the mother of five children.
Stephanie, her oldest (22) Will soon graduate from Clearwater Christian Collage and will be teaching elementery education.
She is very talented on the piano also.
Erica is 19 and has a beautiful voice and has gotten 1 ratings at state level. She is now working at Walmart. She is interested
in getting into the medical field.
And last but not least is the three younger ones. Andrew(15), Hannah(13) and Samuel (11)
They keep life interesting...that's their jobs. We enjoy their trips here for the summer.
Love hiking and trips to the park and zoo. Hannah is becoming a good cook,Andrew likes cross country running
and Samuel likes creating action video moves.
Our Lisa, She is doing so well and we're seeing little new awareness all the time.

Lisa is our youngest and she has Rett Syndrome.
Rett Syndrome is a disorder of the nervous system caused by a sporatic mutation in the Mcp2 gene.
Lisa's mutation is 754DelG. It occurs almost always in girls.
Normal developement to the age of 6 to 18 months is followed by regression, lost of motor skills,
speech, and hand use. Lisa now has her own page. Please visit it.
She is now 42 yrs. old and requires complete care. We have modified our home so we can care for her.
She is immobile, non-verbal, seizure disorder and all feeding and medications are by G-tube. She is
a joy to have around and we are blessed to have her even if it does limit our activities now.
We have always enjoyed traveling and I have visited all but 7 of the states. Actually I was in Hawaii
when it became a state.
Camping and hiking are other outdoor activities I enjoy. We have some friends that we camp with and it's
always a lot of fun. Getting Lisa in the RV is a challenge! But we've figured a way.
I also enjoy gardening, PSP, Taking pictures of most anything, Scart (you'll learn what that is if you
go to the next page. And I must not forget HTML, It will be a lot more fun when I finish this final assignment!
I have a collection of bells, I've lost track of how many. I would guess there are over 600 now!
I'm running out of room for them. My first was a bell given to me by my oldest daughter,Laurie.
I remember it quite well because she had bought it for me for Christmas. She was only 9yrs. old at the time
and she broke it while wrapping it. She didn't know what to do, so she told me and I glued it back together
and told her to wrap it and I would forget what it was by Christmas time.
Our church is an important part of our lives. It celebrated it's 50th. year in 2009. We had a great time.
I have taught a Sunday School class for 46 yrs. One of my
favorite things is singing, Always with someone else. Never had the nerve to sing by myself, but since
I sing alto, that's alright. When our kids were home we did a lot of family specials together. I play around
with the piano, organ, guitar and dulcimer, but never quite mastered any of them. I never had the opportunity
to take lessons.
I've always liked to have some sort of critters running around. We have 6 acres so there is plenty of room
for them to roam. We don't have as many as we used to, but still have a dog,Tessie, 6 cats and 7 chickens.
There's also all kinds of wild life around. Snakes, skunks,oppossum, raccoons, deer, bobcats, fox, armadillo only to
name a few.
I like the challenge of learning to do something new. I usually teach myself mostly. I've done some workworking,
helped build 2 decks, lay carpet and flooring, work on cars and most anything that would need to be done
around the house. Summer garden is always a big project and I used to can 100's of qts. of vegetables each
summer. I don't do that anymore.
Well that should give you a pretty good idea "About Me". Enjoy the rest of your journey.